Even though they're currently touring their asses off somewhere in Western Europe, In-Sane still managed to find some time to keep a tour diary - you can read it here, on their "temporary" website. It may not be updated on a daily basis, but hey, touring and keeping a diary at the same time is hard work! Anyway, check it out.
Oh, and speaking of In-Sane, they're touring because they have a new album, entitled Trust These Hands... Are Worthless. and released by Moonlee Records (that's us!). The reviews are pretty much positive - this one, for example.
And in case you were wondering, yes, you too can buy the album! In-Sane would also appreciate it - they have families to feed!
12 EUR postpaid
CD also available at:
• BandCamp.Com
• Discogs.Com
• Amazon.Co.Uk
• Plastic Head, UK
• Interpunk, US
• Ha-Ko Bastards, SRB
• BCore Disc, E
www.in-sane.si | www.myspace.com/insaneslo
31.01.2010 @ Club Pozytywka, Zgorzelec (PL)
01.02.2010 @ Kukaff, Mainz (D)
02.02.2010 @ Ulenspiegel, Giesen (D)
03.02.2010 @ TBA., Kortrijk (B)
04.02.2010 @ Peylkoker, Leuven (B)
06.02.2010 @ TBA., Lincoln (UK)
07.02.2010 @ The Croft, Bristol (UK)
08.02.2010 @ Dollshouse, Abertillery (UK)
09.02.2010 @ The Edge Of The Wedge, Portsmouth (UK)
10.02.2010 @ The Scream Lounge, Croydon (UK)
11.02.2010 @ TBA., Brighton (UK)
12.02.2010 @ Le Maic Daids, Le Havre (FR)
18.02.2010 @ Le Thunderbird Lounge, Saint Etienne (FR)
19.02.2010 @ Padiglione 14, Torino (ITA)
20.02.2010 @ Arcidalo, Castiglione (ITA)