Punk Rock Spring 2012

Spring is coming and there's no better soundtrack to warm Spring days than punk rock! Of course, Moonlee Records will also make a contribution and deliver some fine new punk rock records. So, the first release on the list is Debeli Precjednik/Fat Prezident's new album. The master recording is in the hands of Mr. Moonlee who is absolutely stoked and claims that the album rules, but that was expected as Debeli Precjednik can do no wrong. The album will be entitled "Bruto Slavo / VBK" and will be out in May if everything goes as planned. It'll be available on vinyl, CD and as a free download, which means that it's legal and no person who downloads it will end up in jail. The first single (and video) off the album will be out next week, so stay alert. Next up, Moonlee will co-release (alongside a number of other labels) In-Sane's split 10'' record with Greek punks Despite Everything. For the ill-informed, In-Sane are a pretty awesome Slovenian melodic hardcore trio. They tour HARD and recently did an East Coast tour of the USA, which also featured a performance at THE FEST, the legendary (and we mean it!) punk rock festival in Gainesville, FL. The record will be out in the last days of April and promoted via European tour with Despite Everything, of course. Stay tuned! Also, there were rumors that Repetitor's new album will be out this Spring, but it's been postponed until Autumn. There's a number of reasons for that, but the main and most important reason is that getting things done right takes time, and we didn't want to do a half-assed job here, so we're taking our time, okay? The album will be worth the wait, we promise. Well, guess that wraps it up for now. Don't forget to brush and hey, check our webstore out - it's updated regularly and full of stuff you might need

Tresk #3

Unless something more important happens, 8th and 9th March 2012 in Ljubljana, Slovenia will forever be marked by Tresk #3, a clash of music and music publishing. Since "a clash of music and publishing" is a somewhat vague term, here's what will actually be going on at Tresk #3: promotions of new releases by Slovene record labels, all sorts of workshops and round tables on the current state of music publishing in Slovenia and last but not least, live music in the evenings. All this is organized by Radio Student and will take place at Kino Siska. Speaking of live music, 9th March at Tresk #3 will feature the performances of two Moonlee bands - Repetitor and Nikki Louder! Nikki Louder will be promoting their new tape (!) release, which will be out on their very own label, Rnka Rnka. Repetitor, on the other hand, won't be promoting their new release because it's not finished yet (for those who forgot, it will be out on Moonlee Records), but they're bringing some new t-shirts with them, so don't miss out. Other Moonlee-related things at Tresk are probably the fact the the Moonlee distro crew will be there and you'll be able to acquire some stuff that would normally have to be bought from either our webstore... or elsewhere. Expect special offers, discounts and the like. Consumerism and stuff... Also, Mr. Moonlee's most loyal henchman, Mirkich, will sit at one of the round tables and participate in the discussions PLUS there are rumors that Mr. Moonlee himself might show up, who knows... All in all, Tresk #3 sounds like loads of fun, so be there!

Bernays Propaganda mini-tour of the Balkans

It's been 5 years since Bernays Propaganda's first show, so they decided to celebrate it by doing a couple of regional shows. But it's not only that - they have a new EP out, entitled "Igraj Slobodno!" and they'll be promoting it on tour! For the ill-informed, "Igraj Slobodno!" is a compilation of Bernays Propaganda remixes by various individuals, and the download is free, so go get it from Bandcamp. Also, if you feel like buying some physical copies of Bernays Propaganda stuff, why not take a peek at our newly opened online shop? So yeah, that's it. See you at the shows! 01.02.2012 @ Feedback, Niš (SRB) 02.02.2012 @ Gala Hala (Metelkova), Ljubljana (SLO) + Paperplanecrash 03.02.2012 @ Tvornica, Zagreb (HR) + Cripple & Casino 04.02.2012 @ Hi-Fi, Ruma (SRB) + Gymnastics 05.02.2012 @ KC Grad, Beograd (SRB) + While + Gymnastics 17.02.2012 @ MKC, Skopje (MKD) +Hipnopolis+Mindless Violence+Green Fuzz

Igraj Slobodno! is up for free download

Looks like we've got the first ever download-only Moonlee Release at our hands! Yay! Of course, we're talking about the Igraj Slobodno! EP, co-released by Moonlee Records and Napravi Zaedno. The Igraj Slobodno! EP is a collection of Bernays Propaganda song remixes and covers, done by the likes of Mark Heaney (Gang of Four), Zea (the singer of The EX), Bei the Fish ft. Ida Lollobrigida, Sethstat, Anomalia Nativa, Fresh (ex-Suns, Bernays Propaganda), Duke B. and Mindless Violence. Genre-wise, this is a pretty diverse compilation which shows Bernays Propaganda's work in a totally new perspective, and a great one! Also, the download of Igraj Slobodno! is free of charge, believe it not. OK, we'll cut the chit-chat now and let the music do the talking - download the compilation on Bandcamp and play freely! free download @ bandcamp

Moonlee Trade Center is online!

Believe it or not, but the Moonlee webstore is finally operational! We've been announcing the grand opening of the store for ages and now it has finally become reality. So yeah, stop at our webstore for all... well, some of your punk rock shopping needs. By the way, Christmas is coming and you surely know some people who deserve presents, so buy buy buy from circle A!

In-Sane touring the USA

That's right, after years of touring Europe, Slovenian punks that go by the name of In-Sane are taking it to the next level and touring the USA! We're really proud of our boys, as In-Sane are one the two Moonlee bands (the first one being Hitch) that managed to arrange a tour of the Land of the Free. Anyhoo, this is a decent-sized tour of (mostly) the East coast and they'll be touring with His Day Has Come. One gig especially worth mentioning is the one at The Fest 10, which is obviously one of the best festivals ever, so fuck yeah! In short, if you're someone who loves melodic hardcore and happens to be in the USA at the time of this tour, In-Sane are a band you should definitely check out. Hear them on Bandcamp and go see them live afterwards. The dates are below! 23.10.2012 @ Fire Island, Haddon township, New Jersey, USA 25.10.2012 @ Pre Fest, Jacksonville, Florida, USA 26.10.2012 @ Pre Fest, Orlando, Florida, USA 27.10.2012 @ Pre Fest, St Augustine, Florida, USA 28.10.2012 @ Fest 10, Gainesville, Florida, USA 29.10.2012 @ Fest 10, Gainesville, Florida, USA 30.10.2012 @ Fest 10, Gainesville, Florida, USA 31.10.2012 @ Long Branch Saloon, Knoxville, Tennessee, USA 1.11.2012 @ The Hungry Huas, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA 2.11.2012 @ No Fun House, Kalamazoo, Michigan, USA 3.11.2012 @ Carabar, Columbus, Ohio, USA 4.11.2012 @ Rock Room, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA 5.11.2012 @ 15 Shady Ave, Clarion, Pennsylvania, USA 6.11.2012 @ The Cracker Factory, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

Nikki Louder on short trip to Czech Rep. and back

Finest slovenian noisers Nikki Louder will hit the road again and made a short tour through Austria and Czech Republic. See the dates below. In case they play in your area make sure you don't miss their show. We bet you won't regret it. Small reminder. Moonlee Records released Nikki Louder's latest album "Our World Died Yesterday" few months ago, which you can listen and download through Bandcamp. Give it a try. And if you by any chance feel the need for more then digital files, you know what to do. Put beers on cold, prepare the earplugs and get ready for good dose of intensity, emotions and noise! 24.09.2011 @ Gala Hala, Ljubljana (SI) 25.09.2011 @ Sub, Graz (AT) 26.09.2011 @ 007 Club, Prague (CZ) 27.09.2011 @ Outside space of DK Slavie, Budweis (CZ) 28.09.2011 @ Africa pub, Bruntal (CZ) 29.09.2011 @ Boro club, Brno (CZ) nikkilouder.tumblr.com

Storms debut LP is out!

This day, 12th September 2011, will be remembered as the day the Storms' debut LP, "We Are Storms", finally saw the light of day. Yeah, that means the album's officially out! Hooray! In case you're still clueless, Storms are a band formed by ex-members of Don't Mess With Texas. You know, they play post really awesome and energetic post rock. Like Mogwai or something. They rule. So, the album was released as a vinyl LP, as nobody needs CDs anymore. Besides, you can't misplace an LP that easily. You can acquire your copy through PayPal, and if you're a 21st century boy/girl, you can buy a digital download on Bandcamp. So, check it out and buy buy buy! By the way, the Menza pri Koritu club in Ljubljana will host the Storms' album release promo show on 15th September, so be there! We'll be selling copies of "We Are Storms" for dirt cheap, and it's possible that we'll also be giving away some leftover Don't Mess With Texas CDs, but you'll have to find out for yourself. See ya!

Bernays Propaganda and XAXAXA tourin' Europe

Believe it or not, they're at it again! As Bernays Propaganda and XAXAXA are basically the same people, the only right thing for these two bands to do is tour together, and tour together they will! Unlike last time when they were playing all over Europe, this time they'll concentrate on central European countries such as Germany and... well, some others, but mostly Germany. Anyways, check the dates below and if these post punx come to your town, be sure not to miss them! Oh, and you can hear their music at the Moonlee Bandcamp page. 08.09. @ Bounty, Kraljevo (RS) // Xaxaxa 09.09. @ Fis Bok, Sarajevo (BH) // Xaxaxa 11.09. @ Toni, Sibenik (HR) // Xaxaxa + Bernays Propaganda 13.09. @ Place, Rijeka (HR) // Xaxaxa + Bernays Propaganda 14.09. @ MKC, Krsko (SI) // Xaxaxa+ Bernays Propaganda 15.09. @ Kafe Kult, Munich (DE) // Xaxaxa + Bernays Propaganda 16.09. @ AK 44, Giessen (DE) // Bernays Propaganda 17.09. @ AK 44, Giessen (DE) // Xaxaxa 18.09. @ JUZ, Manheim (DE) // Xaxaxa 20.09. @ AZ, Mulheim (DE) // Xaxaxa + Bernays Propaganda 22.09. @ Bremen (DE) // Xaxaxa + Bernays Propaganda 24.09. @ Kastanienkeller, Berlin (DE) // Bernays Propaganda 25.09. @ AZ Conni, Dresden (DE) // Xaxaxa + Bernays Propaganda 26.09. @ Hafenklang, Hamburg (DE) // Xaxaxa 27.09. @ Bei Roy, Berlin (DE) // Xaxaxa 28.09. @ Kuze, Potsdam (DE) // Xaxaxa + Bernays Propaganda 30.09. @ Haus Mainusch, Mainz (DE) // Xaxaxa + Bernays Propaganda 01.10. @ Railway Wagon, Stuttgart (DE) // Xaxaxa + Bernays Propaganda 02.10. @ Sub, Graz (AT) // Xaxaxa + Bernays Propaganda 04.10. @ Radio Student, Ljubljana (morning show) (SI) // Xaxaxa +@ Gustaf Pekarna, Maribor (SI) // Xaxaxa 05.10. @ MKC, Koper (SI) // Xaxaxa 06.10. @ Demofest klub, Banja Luka (BH) // Xaxaxa + Bernays Propaganda 07.10. @ CK13, Novi Sad (RS) // Xaxaxa 08.10. @ KC Grad/Belgrade/Srb // Xaxaxa

Storms album preorders and MP3 #2

Oh hai! Summer's over, which means that it's time for the Storms' debut LP, "We Are Storms", to finally see the light of day, and that will happen on 12th September! If you're wondering who these Storms are, hey, it's just three guys from the late great Don't Mess With Texas playing some awesome post rock. Anyway, here's another song off the album for you to download, and it's called "The Bitter End". Also, head on over to the Moonlee Bandcamp page, as that's the place where you can listen to the whole album! If you're feeling it, you can actually preorder the album and be the first in da hood to own a copy! Preorder either a vinyl LP through PayPal, or a digital download through Bandcamp. Your choice. And hey, last but not least, there'll be a Storms promo show in Ljubljana, Slovenia on 15th September, but we'll talk about it later!

In-Sane touring the Balkans

As usual, In-Sane are going on tour, and this time, they'll hit the Balkans. The tour will start with a show at Pannonian Challenge in Osijek, Croatia, where they will play alongside A Wilhelm ScreamThe Toasters and Debeli Precjednik. Afterwards, they'll be heading to SerbiaMacedoniaGreeceRomania and Hungary and then end it all with a show in Ljubljana, Slovenia, where they'll be supporting No Use For A Name. Pretty cool, eh? Check our events page for dates. Oh, and just so you know, they'll be touring the USA in October and they'll also play The Fest 10. Wish we were there.

Summer Holidays Vs. Punkroutine

Hello! It's Summer, and Summer usually means fests! As you may have guessed, some Moonlee bands will play some Summer fests, so here's how it goes... Nikki Louder, the Slovene noise rock champs, will play the awesome Fluff Fest in Rokycany (CZ) and Trnfest in Ljubljana (SI). Then we've got Repetitor, Moonlee's newest acquisition straight outta Belgrade. These post punx are scheduled to play at the Terraneo festival in Šibenik, Croatia. This is the first and hopefully not the last edition of Terraneo, as it's a great and really promising festival. Bernays Propaganda and XAXAXA will also be playing Terraneo, as well as the Arm Your Desires fest in Greece. Melodic punk rock greats known as In-Sane will play the Monte Paradiso fest in Pula, Croatia and Punk Rock Holiday in Tolmin, Slovenia. Just look at the lineup! Believe it or not, the Moonlee distro crew will be present at most of these festivals, so drop by, buy us beer and buy some distro stuff from us. See you!

XAXAXA Eurotour finale

XAXAXA's huge European tour is finally coming to a close - they've been on the road for almost two months and in a few days they'll play their final shows in Zagreb and Ljubljana. To be more precise, the Zagreb show will take place at AKC Attack on 26th June, and the Ljubljana show will occur on 27th June at Letni Vrt Gala Hale. This tour was set up in support of XAXAXA's debut LP, "Tango Revolucioner", which was recently released by a couple of different labels, Moonlee included. Actually, Bernays Propaganda are also on this tour, but that's natural as the band's made up of 3/4 members of XAXAXA. If you still haven't heard the album, head over to Bandcamp and take a listen! By the way, these two shows will also feature The Estranged, an amazing band from Portland, USA. If you like the Wipers, Joy Division and The Cure, chances are that The Estranged might become your new favorite band. See you there!

Storms debut LP postponed to September

We're sure that many of you are wondering about the whereabouts of the Storms debut LP, 'We Are Storms', the release of which was scheduled for last month. Well, it's been postponed as there was a fuck-up at the pressing plant, but everything's alright now, so you can expect the record to see the light of day in September 2011. If the name Storms doesn't ring a bell, they're a (relatively) new band featuring members of the late great Don't Mess With With Texas. Unsurprisingly, they play post-rock similar to DMWT, but there's no piano and the overall sound is more upbeat and lively. Good stuff. The album will pretty much rule, and to prove it, we're offering a free download of a song off the album, called "Nineteen Eighty Bore". Download it here or head on over to Bandcamp.

Moonlee contest #3 winner is…

The third Moonlee contest is over and the lucky winner is Davor Rončević. Thank you all for participating and see you next month.

Moonlee contest #3

Uh, it's June already. Time for a new Moonlee contest. This month's question is as follows: Which Moonlee release is completely sold out? It should be easy, but if you're not too sure about it, browse our webpage and figure it out. And yes, this is our way of reminding you of some of the gems that Moonlee released in the past. Send your answers (and your name) to: contest@moonleerecords.com by noon, 16th June. The lucky winner gets Lunar's last album, "Turbo", on CD. We'll send it by mail, don't worry. There, start shooting... those answers at us. By the way, participating in the contest will get you added to the Moonlee Records mailing list, but you can unsubscribe at any time. Hope you don't mind.

New band on Moonlee Records - REPETITOR

Yup, we've got a new member on board - Repetitor. What can be said about these two girls and a guy from Belgrade, Serbia? Well, a lot, as they're one of the most talked about bands in the region... However, we'll keep it short and just say that Repetitor play an insanely awesome blend of post punk and noise and... ahhh, whatever - it's catchy but totally rocks, and that's all you need to know. And hey, they're even better live - their shows are always intense, memorable and keep getting them new fans. Trust us on this one. Anyway, Repetitor are currently working on a new album, and we're flattered that they chose no other than Moonlee Records to be the label to release it. They're in the studio as we speak and the album will most likely be out in Autumn 2011. Brace yourselves! By the way, Repetitor are playing at the K4 club in Ljubljana, Slovenia on 25th May, alongside Nikki Louder, Slovenian noise rock heroes and one of Moonlee Records' latest acquisitions. If you happen to be in near, come to the show. It'll be the best!

Moonlee contest #2 winner is…

The second Moonlee contest is over and the lucky winner is Filip Tenšek. Thank you all for participating and see you next month.

Moonlee contest #2

Ah, new month - new Moonlee contest.

This month's question is as follows:  Which Moonlee band has the most fans on Facebook? It's easy, you'll just have to make a bit of research. Start here, and while you're at it, don't forget to 'like' a few Facebook pages, if you catch my drift. Send your answers (and your name) to: contest@moonleerecords.com by noon, 17th May. The lucky winner gets Analena's latest album, "Inconstantinopolis", on CD. We'll send it by mail, cool? There, start shooting... those answers at us. By the way, participation in the contest will get you added to the Moonlee Records mailing list, but you can unsubscribe at any time. Hope you don't mind.