Moonlee contest #3 winner is…

The third Moonlee contest is over and the lucky winner is Davor Rončević. Thank you all for participating and see you next month.

Moonlee contest #3

Uh, it's June already. Time for a new Moonlee contest. This month's question is as follows: Which Moonlee release is completely sold out? It should be easy, but if you're not too sure about it, browse our webpage and figure it out. And yes, this is our way of reminding you of some of the gems that Moonlee released in the past. Send your answers (and your name) to: by noon, 16th June. The lucky winner gets Lunar's last album, "Turbo", on CD. We'll send it by mail, don't worry. There, start shooting... those answers at us. By the way, participating in the contest will get you added to the Moonlee Records mailing list, but you can unsubscribe at any time. Hope you don't mind.

New band on Moonlee Records - REPETITOR

Yup, we've got a new member on board - Repetitor. What can be said about these two girls and a guy from Belgrade, Serbia? Well, a lot, as they're one of the most talked about bands in the region... However, we'll keep it short and just say that Repetitor play an insanely awesome blend of post punk and noise and... ahhh, whatever - it's catchy but totally rocks, and that's all you need to know. And hey, they're even better live - their shows are always intense, memorable and keep getting them new fans. Trust us on this one. Anyway, Repetitor are currently working on a new album, and we're flattered that they chose no other than Moonlee Records to be the label to release it. They're in the studio as we speak and the album will most likely be out in Autumn 2011. Brace yourselves! By the way, Repetitor are playing at the K4 club in Ljubljana, Slovenia on 25th May, alongside Nikki Louder, Slovenian noise rock heroes and one of Moonlee Records' latest acquisitions. If you happen to be in near, come to the show. It'll be the best!

Moonlee contest #2 winner is…

The second Moonlee contest is over and the lucky winner is Filip Tenšek. Thank you all for participating and see you next month.

Moonlee contest #2

Ah, new month - new Moonlee contest.

This month's question is as follows:  Which Moonlee band has the most fans on Facebook? It's easy, you'll just have to make a bit of research. Start here, and while you're at it, don't forget to 'like' a few Facebook pages, if you catch my drift. Send your answers (and your name) to: by noon, 17th May. The lucky winner gets Analena's latest album, "Inconstantinopolis", on CD. We'll send it by mail, cool? There, start shooting... those answers at us. By the way, participation in the contest will get you added to the Moonlee Records mailing list, but you can unsubscribe at any time. Hope you don't mind.

Bernays Propaganda/XAXAXA Euro tour in May/June 2011

That's right - Bernays Propaganda and XAXAXA are going on tour! As you may know, XAXAXA are actually three members of Bernays Propaganda, so it's the same people in two bands. Practical indeed, at least for touring. The tour will take them everywhere and I mean EVERYWHERE. Seriously, from the Mediterranean to Scandinavia and everything in between. Also, XAXAXA will be promoting their first album, "Tango Revolucioner", which was recently released by a couple of labels, Moonlee included. Here, listen to it on Bandcamp. Normally, we'd say that you should check them out if you get a chance, but this time, you'll get a chance almost certainly. So yeah, go check them out. The dates are below. 06.05.2011 @ MICROPOLIS, THESSALONIKI (GR) 07.05.2011 @ 1897, GRAMATIKOU (GR) 08.05.2011 @ KATARAMENA SYNDROMO, ATHENS (GR) 10.05.2011 @ SUD TERRANEA, NAPOLI (ITA) 13.05.2011 @ ASILO SQUAT, TORINO (ITA) 14.05.2011 @ CAPOLINEA, FAENZA (ITA) 15.05.2011 @ TELOS OCUPATO, SARONNO (ITA) 16.05.2011 @ BINZ, ZURICH (SWI) 17.05.2011 @ DESERT, LAUSANE (SWI) 18.05.2011 @ SQUAT POLOTTI, GRENOBLE (FR) 19.05.2011 @ ASSOMMOIR PUB, ST. ETIENNE (FR) 20.05.2011 @ MACHINE A COUDRE, MARSEILLE (FR) 21.05.2011 @ VALENCIA (SPA) 22.05.2011 @ CASAL JOVE DE ROQUETES, BARCELONA (SPA) 25.05.2011 @ LA PEQUENA BETY, MADRID (SPA) 26.05.2011 @ LOUNGE, LISBOA (POR) 27.05.2011 @ REPUBLICA, COIMBRA (POR) 28.05.2011 @ PORTO (POR) 29.05.2011 @ CSA ANTIGOUS ALMACENES DE LA MINA, LA GANDARA, UDIAS (SPA) 31.05.2011 @ L'ATHENEE LIBERTAIRE, BORDEAUX (FR) 01.06.2011 @ GRRRND ZERO, LYON (FR) 02.06.2011 @ LE CAFE DES SPORTS, PARIS (FR) 03.06.2011 @ OCII, AMSTERDAM (HOL) 04.06.2011 @ LEGEND, SNEEK (HOL) 05.06.2011 @ DEONDERBROEK, NIEJMEGEN (HOL) 07.06.2011 @ HEADQUARTERS, AARHUS (DK) 08.06.2011 @ COPENHAGEN (DK) 09.06.2011 @ HUMLA, OSLO (NOR) 10.06.2011 @ GOTENBORG (SWE) 11.06.2011 @ LINKOPING (SWE) 12.06.2011 @ GRUNDBULTEN, STOCKHOLM (SWE) 13.06.2011 @ VERKET, UMEA (SWE) 14.06.2011 @ FG7, LULEA (SWE) 15.06.2011 @ YKAN PUB, OULU (FIN) 16.06.2011 @ VASTAVIRTA, TAMPERE (FIN) 17.06.2011 @ ULASE 12, TALLIN (EST) 18.06.2011 @ POGO, VILNIUS (LIT) 19.06.2011 @ NABAKLAV, RIGA (LAT) 21.06.2011 @ EUFEMIA, WARSZAWA (POL) ***XAXAXA only! 22.06.2011 @ TEKTURA, LUBLIN (POL) ***XAXAXA only! 23.06.2011 @ CAFE NA PUL CESTY, PRAGUE (CZ) 24.06.2011 @ OBLUDA, BRATISLAVA (SK) **** XAXAXA only!!! 25.06.2011 @ EKH, VIENNA (AUT) ***XAXAXA only!!! 26.06.2011 @ MEDIKA, ZAGREB (CRO) ****XAXAXA only!!! 27.06.2011 @ GALA HALA, LJUBLJANA (SLO) ***XAXAXA only!

Nikki Louder's "Our World Died Yesterday" CD+LP is out!

Yeah, you've guessed it - the album is out! What can one say about this Slovene noise rock combo and their second album, "Our World Died Yesterday"? Well, they both rule. If you need hard evidence for that claim, head on over to Bandcamp and take a listen to the album. Yeah, you can "stream it" there, and even buy a digital download if you feel like it, but you surely already knew that. If you prefer your evidence even harder, buy a physical copy via PayPal (15 EUR postpaid). The vinyl and CD are packed together, which means you get both for the price of one, like on TV. If you're from the Balkans and would like to order, drop a line to The postage is cheaper here. Also, the album was a joint effort of Moonlee Records, Cheap Tunes Records and Založba Radio Študent. Just so you know. Peace. Nikki Louder @ Tumblr | Nikki Louder @ Facebook 15 EUR postpaid

Nikki Louder - MP3 #2, album release party and preorders

Hey everyone! As you may have guessed, there's stuff going on at the Nikki Louder camp, and it's related to their new album, "Our World Died Yesterday"!

So, first of all, the album will be out in a couple of days. It will rule. There will a promo show, so if you're near, come see the guys play/slay on 29th April at Menza pri Koritu, Ljubljana. Here, check a video teaser on Vimeo. In the meantime, head on over to Bandcamp, where you can listen to the album in its entirety and even buy a digital download. And, of course, feel free to download another song off the album, "Hips Like Elvis".

Bernays Propaganda will support Handsome Furs in Balkan area

Just to let you know, Bernays Propaganda will play a couple of regional shows together with the Handsome Furs.

For the ill-informed, the Handsome Furs are an awesome Canadian indie rock duo featuring Dan Boeckner of Wolf Parade fame and his wife, Alexei Perry. The dates are listed below, so drop by if you get a chance. Peace out. 26.04.2011 @ KLUB 21, PRIŠTINA (KOSOVO) 27.04.2011 @ SOUL 2 SOUL, PODGORICA (MNE) 28.04.2011 @ ORLANDO, DUBROVNIK (HR) 29.04.2011 @ SLOGA, SARAJEVO (BIH)

XAXAXA - Tango Revolucioner LP/CD is out!

Believe it or not, but XAXAXA's debut album,"Tango Revolucioner", is finally out! In case the name doesn't ring a bell, XAXAXA is three members of Bernays Propaganda playing Rites of Spring, Hüsker Dü and Wipers-influenced punk rock tunes. Sounds good? Well, it actually IS good... no, great! Anyways, if you'd like to hear the album, head on over to Moonlee Bandcamp - that's where you can listen to it and even buy it in various digital formats. Wheee! In case you're old school and prefer physical copies of albums, no problem, "Tango Revolucioner" is also available on CD and vinyl. Buy a CD via PayPal (10 EUR postpaid) or buy an LP via PayPal (15 EUR postpaid). If you happen to live in the Balkans, just send an e-mail with your order to By the way, this release was a joint operation: the vinyl version was produced by Moonlee Records (SI/HR), Prügelprinz Records (D), Thrashbastard Records (D), Gaphals (S), Napravi Zaedno (MK), Doomtown Records (CRO) and DHP AK47 (HR). The CD version was done by just Moonlee Records and Napravi Zaedno. There. Oh, and expect a huge XAXAXA European tour very soon, so stay tuned 'cause more info will follow... 15 EUR postpaid 10 EUR postpaid

Bilk and Diyala Upgraded...

Rembember Bilk? Well, as that old Thin Lizzy song says, the boys are back in town! Not only that Bilk are an active band again, but two members of Bilk have also teamed up with Diyala, the.. uh, the Queen of the Balkan alternative underground, and formed a new band! The name of this band is Diyala Upgraded and they sure sound good. Well, at least if you like drum & bass or breakbeat. Here, check this Youtube video for reference. Bilk and Diyala Upgraded will play some regional shows together, but who knows, maybe they'll do some touring abroad in the future... Anyway, the dates and places are listed below, so drop by. 21.04. @ Mochvara Zagreb 22.04. @ Gala Hala Ljubljana 23.04. @ Club MC Celje 28.04. @ Klub DF Banja Luka 29.04. @ Balkan caffe, Sarajevo 30.04. @ Stereo Dvorana Rijeka 14.05. @ MMC kugla, Koprivnica 20.05. @ Akademija Beograd 21.05. @ Route 66 Novi Sad Oh yeah, if you miss the music of Bilk, head on over to Moonlee Bandcamp, 'cause that's the place where you can listen to their album, "This Bilk Is Radioactive". You can even download it for free (or a donation, your choice), and if you're a real fan, feel free to buy a physical copy of the album.

Moonlee contest #1 winner is...

The first Moonlee contest is over and the lucky winner is Lovro Kramer. Thank you all for participating and see you next month.

Nikki Louder - Free MP3 #1 and preorder

Hey! We just wanted to let you know that Nikki Louder's new album, "Our World Died Yesterday", will be out on 3rd May! These Slovene noise rock heroes' album is a collaboration of three labels: Založba Radio Študent, Cheap Tunes Records and yours truly - Moonlee Records. It will be released as a CD/vinyl combo, which means that you get both. Cool, huh? All in all, the album pretty much rules, so take note, all you noise rockers out there! In the meantime, head on over to Moonlee Bandcamp and hear one song off the album, "Attacked". Also, you download song in mp3 format. What else... ah, preorders! Preorder via PayPal or by sending an e-mail to The price is 10 EUR + shipping. There, any other questions?

XAXAXA - Album preview pt. 2 and preorders

XAXAXA's debut album, "Tango Revolucioner" is bound to hit the streets on 20th April! But hey, you already know that. In the meantime, download another song off the album - it's called "Vrati go toj proklet dan", and you can download it in mp3 format. Also, you can stream the entire album on Bandcamp. Now, about those preorders... You can preorder in two ways: either via PayPal (if you're from abroad, 15 EUR postpaid), or by sending an e-mail to if you're from the Balkans. The postage is cheaper, that's why. Oh, and the album is currently available only on vinyl, but hopefully this will change in the future. That's all, folks. 15 EUR postpaid

Moonlee contest #1

Hey everyone, we've got something for you - a series of contests where you can win some fine Moonlee releases! The plan is to have a different prize every month, but we'll see if it works out, heheh. So, the contest...

This month's million dollar question is: What's the name of the new band that features members of Bernays Propaganda? If you need a hint, just remember that their debut album is one of the upcoming Moonlee releases. Easy, huh?

Send your answer (together with your name) to by noon, 15th April. The lucky winner gets Bernays Propaganda's latest album, "My Personal Holiday", on CD. We'll send it by mail, cool?

Anyway, now that you know everything, start shooting those answers at us. Good luck!

Oh, and participating in this contest will get you added to the Moonlee Records mailing list, but you can unsubscribe at any time. Hope you don't mind.

Nikki Louder tourin' the UK

Looks like Nikki Louder are gonna hit the road in April. Here's what they had to say: "We are going to play some shows through the UK with the amazing blues-punk progs Shield Your Eyes, who made everything possible. 5 days in a right steering van, ale/lager nights and some rock'n'roll! Continental Europe dates were planned as well, but it seems Western Europe is a hefty mess to book." If everything works out, they'll also have their new album and Moonlee Record debut for sale, so you know what to do. *wink* Anyways, the dates are below and check Nikki Louder out if you get the chance, will you? 06.04.2011 @ THE UNICORN, LONDON (UK) 07.04.2011 @ MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY, MANCHESTER (UK) 08.04.2011 @ BAR UP, HALIFAX (UK) 09.04.2011 @ SANTIAGOS, LEEDS (UK) 10.04.2011 @ DON'T DROP THE DUMBELLS, LIVERPOOL (UK)

XAXAXA - Album preview pt. 1

As you may have already heard, XAXAXA's debut album, "Tango Revolucioner", will hit the streets on 20th April 2011! For the ill-informed, here's XAXAXA's story in a few words: 3 members of Bernays Propaganda playing awesome Hüsker Dü, Rites of Spring and Wipers-influenced tunes. Good shit, like the old folks say. Preorders will be available real soon, and in the meantime, download a song off the album in mp3.

In-Sane touring Europe

This should come as no surprise, but In-Sane are touring Europe again. Since the boys tour a lot, chances are that you've at least heard of them, but just in case you haven't, In-Sane play melodic hardcore and they're really good at it! They have two albums out, with the last one being entitled "Trust These Hands... Are Worthless." and released by Moonlee Records. Streaming @ Bandcamp. Oh, the tour? It's a month long and will take them to far off places such as the Czech Republic, Austria, Germany, France, Poland and so on... Check the dates below or on their MySpace page. See you at the show! 25.03.2011 @ STEREO, KLAGENFURT (AT) 26.03.2011 @ TRIEBWERK, WR.NEUSTADT (AT) 27.03.2011 @ OHO, OBERWART (AT) 28.03.2011 @ CAFE NA PUL CESTY, PRAGUE (CZ) 29.03.2011 @ BARRANDOFF, LIBEREC (CZ) 30.03.2011 @ KAWIARNIA NAUKOWA, KRAKOW (PL) 31.03.2011 @ JASZCZUR. ELBLAG (PL) 01.04.2011 @ POMPA, SZCZYTNO (PL) 02.04.2011 @ PERON, PILA (PL) 03.04.2011 @ NEED HELP (D) 04.04.2011 @ STUMPF, HANNOVER (D) 05.04.2011 @ HEMPERIUM, ULM (D) 06.04.2011 @ PRACTICEROOM, ZWIESEL (D) 07.04.2011 @ DAS ZENTRUM, MENDEN (D) 08.04.2011 @ PROBERAUM, LUDWIGSBURG (D) 09.04.2011 @ DE ONDERBROEK, NIJMEGEN (NL) 10.04.2011 @ KAFEE ALOYS, EINDHOVEN (NL) 11.04.2011 @ LE CHEMINOT, MONS (B) 12.04.2011 @ TBA, LEUVEN (B) 13.04.2011 @ T' VERDRIET, ZELE (B) 14.04.2011 @ FRONTLINE, GENT (B) 15.04.2011 @ LA CHIMERE, LILLE (F) 16.04.2011 @ MAC DAID'S, LE HAVRE (F) 17.04.2011 @ LE COMBUSTIBELS, PARIS (F) 18.04.2011 @ L'HERETIC, BORDEAUX (F) 19.04.2011 @ BLACKHAWK, TOURS (F) 20.04.2011 @ RAYMOND BAR, CLERMONT FERRAND (F) 21.04.2011 @ NEED HELP (F) 22.04.2011 @ PUZZLE CLUB, ORBASSANO (I) 23.04.2011 @ SHELTER, COMO (I) 24.04.2011 @ TOVARNA ROG - MODRI KOT, LJUBLJANA (SI)

New Moonlee band - XAXAXA

That's right, XAXAXA are yet another new band on the Moonlee roster. XAXAXA hail from Skopje, Macedonia, and you've probably seen these guys before as they play in the almighty Bernays Propaganda. Oh, they also played in xFxPxOx! Unlike Bernays Propaganda, they play faster and in a more melodic manner, so comparisons to Hüsker Dü, Rites of Spring and even Dag Nasty wouldn't be too far off. Here's a live video on YouTube - see/hear for yourself. As you may have guessed, an album is in the works and will be released in April 2011 by a couple of different record labels, Moonlee included. XAXAXA will also be going on a European tour in May/June, so watch this space for more info. That's it for now.

New Moonlee band - Nikki Louder

Everyone, say hi to the new member of the Moonlee Records family - Nikki Louder! This Slovenian trio has been rockin' around for some time now, and their second LP, "Our World Died Yesterday", will be out on Moonlee Records in April 2011! In case you were wondering what they sound like, let's just say that they remind of certain Ebullition bands that were big in the 90s. Ahh, the good old days. Anyway, no pop tunes here, just punk rock! Oh, and a European tour will follow the album release, so stay tuned for more info.